10 Worst Movies Of 2014 (So Far)

7. The Other Woman

It's a shame that The Other Woman came out so badly; what could have been a genuinely witty and interesting take on the rom com formula - from the director of The Notebook, no less - felt more like something somebody scraped together from bits of used toilet paper and somehow fashioned into a screenplay. The premise is John Tucker Must Die: three woman realise that they're being cheated on by the same man, and - instead of turning on one another - set out to get revenge. It's basic, but considering the actors involved, this had the potential to be better. Alas, the combined efforts of Leslie Mann, Cameron Diaz and model turned actress Kate Upton do nothing to set this movie apart from countless other rom coms that deserve to be loaded into a catapult and fired into the sun. The weirdest thing about The Other Woman is that it's so messy for what is ultimately a standard rom com; the movie doesn't cling to anything resembling a coherent narrative, and there are moments throughout that will have you shaking your head and saying: "Huh?" Worst of all, when the movie ends, you realise that there wasn't even a point.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.