10 Worst Movies Starring Justice League Actors
2. Untraceable (Diane Lane)

Another Justice League actress stranded in her own horrendous tech thriller here, with the Diane Lane-starring Untraceable.
Released in 2008 as a half-baked attempt to cash in in both the Saw series' convoluted traps and the rising prevalence of the Internet in everyone's pockets, this nevertheless plays like a reactionary, ignorant thriller from the late 90s or early 2000s.
With only the most facile understanding of how the Internet works, its scaremongering was laughable in 2008 and is certainly even more so nowadays. Plus, it features the most ham-fisted anti-piracy message in the history of movies, to the point that, to a paying customer, it's actually insulting.
Lane is, of course, a pro, and her resolve never falters, but everything around her is just terrible.