10 Worst Movies Starring Wrestlers

1. Mr Nanny

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGwe0XCo4Sw Perhaps somewhat aware that his time at the WWF was winding down, Hulk Hogan tried to make the leap into movie superstardom with Mr. Nanny, easily the worst movie ever to star a wrestler. This unintentionally hilarious dud takes a premise that has been recycled countless times in films like The Pacifier, where a tough guy ends up playing babysitter to some unruly brats who end up running circles around him. It's a strained premise even with the best of scripts, but Mr. Nanny is a film clearly content to coast on the apparent star power of Hogan - Hulkamania was pretty huge in 1993 - and doesn't really put any thought whatsoever into the narrative. The worst and most infamous moment comes when a young Madeline Zima convinces Hogan's character to wear a tutu. Yes, that is the sound of Hogan's dignity dripping away that you can hear in the background. No film starring a wrestler has at once been so terrible and so aggressively tarnished the career of the superstar involved. It's no surprise that Hogan's career didn't recover until he joined the nWo. It's awful on every possible level, and best watched with a healthy supply of alcohol at the ready. Which movies starring wrestlers do you hate the most? Let us know in the comments below.
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