10 Worst Opening Scenes In Otherwise Perfect Movies
4. On Route To The Cabin - The Evil Dead
The original classic starring Bruce Campbell is one of the most acclaimed horror flicks ever, and yet the first fifteen minutes of The Evil Dead pales in comparison to the rest of the movie, which is visually inventive and really, really creepy.
You could actually be forgiven for thinking that The Evil Dead was a terrible movie and not at all the iconic horror movie that it actually is from its seriously lame opening sequence, however - when the film begins, it's all actually kind of cringeworthy.
As our heroes make their way to the mysterious cabin in the woods at the very start of the film, the whole thing plays out like the worst student film ever - awkward dialogue cues and bad acting ahoy! Then they find themselves trapped, and everyone - including Ash - begin to grate.
There's a sense that director Sam Raimi was merely trying to pad out the runtime with the opening scene, of course. Thankfully, all is forgiven when the gang actually arrive at the cabin and the nightmare begins. But for such an iconic film, it's a shame that the proceedings start on such a yawn-inducing note of amateur antics.