10 Worst Performances In The DCEU (So Far)

8. Russell Crowe - Jor-El

Suicide Squad Enchantress
Warner Bros. Pictures

Russell Crowe can be an incredible performer, regardless of his many shortcomings as a person, so this will definitely go down as one of his weaker roles.

As Superman's father, Jor-El, Russell Crowe just didn't seem remotely interested and portrayed the character with one tone of voice and one facial expression throughout his relatively small part (thankfully).

He also failed to hide his native accent very well and while it's certainly not comparable to his disastrous stab at a Nottingham accent in 2010's Robin Hood, it's certainly safe to say an Australian/New Zealand accent still feels out of place on the planet Krypton.

The DCEU has offered far better versions of Lois Lane and Jonathan and Martha Kent than the Christopher Reeve films did, but Marlon Brando's version of Jor-El in 1978 film is far superior to Crowe's version.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.