10 Worst Sci-Fi Movie Prequels

3. Dead Space: Downfall

The Thing Prequel
Anchor Bay Entertainment

Dead Space: Downfall is a different kind of sci-fi prequel, given that it's actually an animated prelude to a video game rather than a movie. Furthermore, it was released mere days after the original survival horror game Dead Space actually hit stores.

Though the world of Dead Space is certainly rich with lore-expanding possibilities, it has to be said that Downfall is a depressingly generic origin story for the series, further hamstrung by cheap animation, atrocious dialogue, and laughable voice acting.

While loaded with brutal gore and profanity-laden dialogue, it feels too much like a film desperately trying to portray itself as "mature," despite being no better written than your average fanfic.

For a film overspilling with so much violence, it's shocking just how boring it is for the most part, even at just 75 merciful minutes in length. Really, there's no excuse not to just play the first two games again instead.

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The Thing
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.