10 Worst Star Wars Characters

8. Watto

Once again it seems like George Lucas dipped into his barrel of racial profiling to create the character of Watto the junk dealer/slaver. At the risk of taking heat for pointing out what appears to be an almost anti-semitic caricature, it really does feel that way. He somewhat resembles and sounds like the very negative stereotypes of Jewish pawnbrokers often portrayed in movies. But Watto is wrong for so many other reasons. Gravelly voiced, speaking like a quasi Yoda, this insectoid hovers and flits like an overblown mosquito. His dealings with Qui-Gon-Jinn portray him as overconfident, slimy, and completely nefarious - yet somehow, sad and pathetic. Trying to believe that this small, weak creature is actually a slaver, stretches the imagination of the even the most ardent viewer. Why couldn't Anakin or his mother just take out the fly swatter and do away with him and then find someone to remove the slave chip for them? In the annals of Star Wars characters, Watto is one of the most reprehensibly stupid and completely useless to ever 'grace' the screen. More than than though, he's simply forgettable - even if you can't completely do that.
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A self professed Stephen King/Star Wars geek and pop culture neophyte, Scott tends to spend much of his time alone pondering life's greatest mysteries.....he also depends heavily on his son Liam, a great sounding board, to set him straight on Star Wars issues and gives him advice on what EXACTLY he's doing wrong.