10 Worst Things Harry Potter Has Ever Done

2. When He Used Unforgivable Curses

Harry Potter Bogrod
Warner Bros.

Here's a test for you: when is it okay to use unforgivable curses?

If you answered anything other than NEVER, you've not been reading your Harry Potter lore correctly. Because unforgivable means in no circumstances. You'll notice basically no other heroic characters using them. There's even some question of whether Molly Weasley uses it against Bellatrix Lestrange (since the result of the killing strike doesn't fit what we know of Avada Kedavra).

Yet Harry uses the Imperius Curse on Bogrod and Travers in the Gringotts Heist, DESPITE knowing that the cost of using it poorly would be the destruction of their minds and also casts at least two Cruciatus Curses (once on Bellatrix, once on the Death Eater who spits in McGonagall's face). He at least doesn't cast Avada Kedavra, but who's to say he wouldn't have if he needed to?

The second time he uses Crucio, he admits he really did mean it and successfully uses it, which he couldn't when he used it on Bellatrix, even though she'd just killed Sirius. So he was actually getting more proficient with their use over time. An expert in forbidden, evil spells: that's not very fitting of the hero.

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Harry Potter
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