10 Worst Things Harry Potter Has Ever Done

4. When He Mistreated His "Friends" (And Robbed One)

Harry Potter Lollipop
Warner Bros.

Harry's treatment of Hermione and Ron is pretty tumultuous and there's only so much of it you can blame on childish passions running high between very close people. Hermione gets the worst of it, when Harry greets her revelation that she's had to fight off a lecherous Cormac McLaggen (who has literally made her look "distinctly disheveled, rather as though she had just fought her way out of a thicket of Devil's Snare") with "Serves you right for coming with him."

So she was asking for it, Harry, was she? Nice.

And then there's Neville, who might be the victim of Harry's most callous crime. When the Chosen One sneaks into Honeydukes under the Invisibility Cloak, he could have his pick of the countless sweet treats in there. Instead, he chooses to steal Neville's lollipop and then taunt him by walking away with it. He doesn't even eat it (because it would disappear under the Cloak), he's doing it out of pure malice for his own entertainment.

They're far from the only times, but they're about the worst.

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Harry Potter
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