10 Worst Times Movie Actors Were Combined With CGI

6. Anthony Zerbe - Star Trek: Insurrection

will smith aladdin
Paramount Pictures

The latest trio of Star Trek movies all had huge budgets, and their special effects look predictably fantastic. But there was a time when Star Trek movies looked (and felt) quite cheap, and this moment in 1998's Insurrection is a perfect example of that.

Near the end of the film, Admiral Matthew Dougherty comes to a disagreement with the shady Ru'afo, and the two engage in a spot of fisticuffs. Ru'afo ultimately comes out on top, trapping Dougherty in a machine that's designed to stretch the flesh of one's face tighter. The machine is then activated and Dougherty's face sort of... melts, his eyeballs stretching wide and his skin sagging down the sides of his face.

It's a creepy scene and a very disturbing way to go, but the laughable smudgy mess that Dougherty's face becomes is distractingly poor, and it just looks like an advert for a botched botox job rather than something you'd see in a polished blockbuster.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.