10 Worst Times Star Wars Appeared In Other Movies

5. The Force Is Not Strong With Gulliver's Life Stories - Gulliver's Travels

Shawn Michaels Avengers of Justice
20th Century Fox

Over the course of the already unforgivable 2010 ensemble adventure flick known as Gulliver's Travels, the titular giant amongst the Lilliput folk finds himself routinely dragging the galaxy far, far away down with the rest of this dud of comedy outing.

Getting the ball rolling with the first of MANY excruciating attempts at eliciting a Star Wars-induced chuckle, Jack Black's Lemuel Gulliver is spotted narrating some rather familiar action figures: taking a press badge "by Force" just about sums up these agonising first few seconds.

But this particular Rob Lettermen entry wasn't done there... not by a long shot.

Upon making himself at home in the diminutive kingdom, Gulliver soon settles down in his own personal media room. And it's here where the apparent tales of the towering entity's own life are told on stage for all to see; these bearing a striking and humourless resemblance to the Skywalker Saga, no less.

And the visual of James Corden as Darth Vader earns this entry's place on this list alone.

Rounding out the tacky usage of Star Wars nods jumbled into this rotting mess of a feature, Gulliver also claims to be the captain of the Millennium Falcon and have Yoda as his vice-president of Manhattan when lying to the Lilliput civilians. What a rascal.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...