10 Worst Villains In Film History

8. The Master - 'Manos' The Hands Of Fate

"Oh, come on." I hear you cry. "Either this guy should be left off the list for being in an obviously crummy movie, or he should be at the top for being so godawful!" Fair points, I'll admit. However, The Master deserves neither to be ignored nor renowned for his crimes against cinema. The leading villain of this, a movie widely believed to be the worst piece of fiction put to film, deserves the exact reaction that his role elicited from the audience: a mediocre "Meh." While you can't expect much from such a low-caliber movie, extra points are deducted here for being entirely effectless. Despite the fact that this film contains threats and vague allusions to the occult, harems, possession, and even a brief implication of child slavery and perhaps even molestation, the Master does little beside stand around or break up fights between his many wives. Even eliminating the entertaining Torgo consists of a long, drawn out stare down. The most intimidating thing about The Master is his painting, and he doesn't seem to actually be the "master" of anything besides long naps. On the other hand, what can you really expect from a film whose title literally means "Hands: The Hands of Fate"?
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Eric is a snarky movie buff with a taste for the unusual. When he's not obsessing about films, you can usually find him obsessing about Android, psychology, or the perfect Indian recipe. Eric weaves his own special blend of snark, satire, and comedy into all his articles.