10 Writers Who Should Tackle The Justice League Movie (Other Than David S. Goyer)

4. Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck New Batman Ben Affleck is a bit of a hot subject today isn't he? He's been getting a lot of flak for his casting as Bruce Wayne in the upcoming sequel to Man of Steel. I'm not going to get into my feelings on that subject right now. That aside though, he's had a fairly great record of knocking 'em out of the park with his roles. Sure, some of his movies under-performed. I have yet to however, see him act in a role that I thought was horrible. Let's throw his acting in a pile for another day though and focus on his work off-screen. Good Will Hunting, Gone Baby Gone, The Town, Argo... is anybody going to argue with his talent in creating a great movie? I doubt Warner Bros. will argue that. Casting him as Bruce Wayne in the Superman vs. Batman movie, is as good as hiring him to direct the inevitable Batman reboot film that is just waiting to happen. It's undeniable that as a main member of the Justice League, potential director/writer of a solo film in the series, Ben is in as good a position (if not better) as anybody to land the JLA movie gig.

I'm a fan of pop-culture in all mediums: Music, Film, Gaming, Comics, TV, Whatever. I can generally find something enjoyable in even the worst trash. I guess as a B-Horror enthusiast, I kind of have to. Currently I'm an author working on a manuscript for a crime novel, and attending school to be an Environmental Health and Safety Technician. In the past I've made a go at running in an election for MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) for my hometown of Glace Bay. I was 23 at the time, and though I lost (by like a lot), I learned a lot more about politics in a month than I ever learned. Get at me on Twitter @DanWilsonWC