10 WTF Ideas Turned Into Horror Movies

7. Love Me Deadly

Dead Sushi
Cinema National

Love Me Deadly follows a beautiful heiress called Lindsay Finch who has a taste for the macabre. Though she has the affection of many suitors, there's only one type of man Lindsay is interested in... the dead kind. For as long as she could remember, Lindsay felt at peace at funerals or mortuaries, which led to her developing a sexual attraction to corpses.

It goes without saying that Love Me Deadly would be highly controversial if it released today, due to the controversial subject matter. With that in mind, it's hard to imagine the furore the necrophilic horror received when it was released in 1972. (That was a year before The Exorcist premiered, and we all know how the world reacted to that.)

And yet, the controversy doesn't stop there. Lindsay eventually develops an attraction to a living person, but only because he reminds her of her dead father. (Shudder.) There's also a horrifying sequence of a man being embalmed while he's very much alive. To top it all off, there's a scene where a group of Satan worshippers take part in what can only be described as a cadaver orgy.

Looking back, it's a mystery how Love Me Deadly didn't cause a bigger stir.

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