10 WTF Moments In Robert Eggers The Northman
9. The Forest Orgy

Oh boy. What a scene this was. Following the intense game of Hardball, where Amleth saves his unknowing step-brother and kills the entire enemy team, he is rewarded with more freedom as a slave. Fjölnir's son, Thorir, gives Amleth permission to choose one of the women as his partner, and we all know who he's going to choose.
He heads straight to the forest where the rest of the slaves are dancing around a fire and participating in various sexual acts. At this point, we know that Amleth has a connection with Olga, even though his facial expression rarely changes from anguish. He eventually finds her, and the next thing you know, you're watching from afar as they go to town under the moonlight. Nowhere near as detailed as a Game Of Thrones sex scene, but you get the idea.
After enjoying each other's company, they lay next to each other plotting murder, as one does. Olga summons a mushroom from the ground, telling Amleth to use it when the time is right. All of the events in this scene are important in the story, but one can't help but feel that it's a bit unusual to have sex, plot your family's murder and then grow a psychedelic mushroom within the same moment.