10 WTF Moments In Robert Eggers The Northman

7. The Séance

The Northman
Universal Pictures

The events that lead to this moment in the film will be explained later as they featured earlier in the film when the whole concept was still new therefore deserving them a higher ranking. Despite not being the most WTF moment, this scene was still quite puzzling.

Amleth disguised himself as a slave under his uncle's rule in the middle of nowhere Iceland. On one of his midnight explorations, he follows an arctic fox to a dark cave where he discovers a He-witch hanging out in the cave with the head of the late Heimir (Willem Dafoe). After they discuss the events that have caused the unfortunate appearance of Heimir, the He-witch summons Heimir's ghost. The very creepy head of Dafoe informs Amleth of the weapon he is to kill his uncle with. It is revealed that the Night Blade is buried nearby, handy coincidence or another magical moment? This twist feels strangely familiar, with some comparing it to the story of King Arthur.

Not only is it weird that the he-witch was just hanging out in a cave around the corner from the camp, but the fact that he decided to steal Heimir's head and bring it with him makes it even weirder.


Currently travelling around doing the typical self-discovery thing while managing social media pages and writing about all things film, food and music-related. If I'm not climbing rocks or making a mess in the kitchen, I'm using my love for writing to connect with like-minded individuals.