10 WTF Off-Screen Horror Movie Deaths

1. Nurse Keating - The Exorcist III

The Ring Katie
20th Century Forx

Though wildly polarising upon release, The Exorcist III certainly gets a good deal more love these days, and nobody who's seen it can forget that scene where Nurse Keating (Tracy Thorne) gets decapitated with a pair of garden shears.

The entire setup for this gnarly payoff is masterful, lingering on a seemingly unremarkable shot of a hospital hallway, where Nurse Keating enters a room, does her checks, and then re-emerges to lock the room up. But as she turns around, the door suddenly pulls open, and a nun carrying shears quickly pursues her, accompanied by one of the horror genre's all-time most pant-filling jump-scare sound effects.

Before the fatal snip can be made, though, we cut to a decapitated statue of Jesus Christ, making it abundantly clear the fate that's befallen the nurse without actually having to show her head being parted from her body on camera.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.