10 YouTube Film Critics You Need To Be Watching

4. Honest Trailers

Guardians Of The Galaxy HISHE
Fox & Honest Trailers

The crowning achievement of the immense Screen Junkies empire, Honest Trailers combines terrific editing with a hilarious, Don LaFontaine-esque voiceover to tear down movies both new and old in savage but playful fashion.

A big reason for Screen Junkies' 5.6 million subscribers, Honest Trailers' weekly release is avidly anticipated each and every time, as they destroy even hugely popular movies with a ton of wit and good humour.

Hell, the channel is so popular that Captain America: Civil War directors the Russo brothers even admit to Honest Trailer-proofing their movies, and they convinced Ryan Reynolds to contribute a voiceover to their Deadpool Honest Trailer.

The criticisms themselves aren't always anything you don't already know, but the style in which it's delivered is what makes it work so well.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.