10 YouTube Film Critics You Need To Be Watching

2. What The Flick

Guardians Of The Galaxy HISHE
What the Flick

What the Flick is somewhat unique for a YouTube film critic channel in that it teams a bunch of "real", professional, well-known film critics together to talk about a given movie.

The likes of TCM's Ben Mankiewicz, Rotten Tomatoes' Matt Atchity, The Wrap's Alonso Duralde and Christy Lemire provide more serious-minded film criticism that's aimed at slightly older viewers but is no less compelling to watch.

The panel-like format and slick presentation makes it feel more like an honest-to-God movie review show you'd see on TV rather than something quickly thrown together for YouTube, but at the same time, the personalities know how to have fun and are the furthest thing from uptight.

Unlike many YouTube critics, WTF also reviews a ton of art-house releases every month, and if you're a TV nut, they cover a ton of shows in extensive detail.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.