10 Zombie Movies That Broke All The Rules

2. The Returned (2013)

Life After Beth
Filmax International

Zombie films like to have their universes overrun by the walking dead and humans struggling to survive to the end credits due to said dead wanting to feast on their flesh. The Returned adds a clever spin on the formula by having a world that has managed to control the virus, and instead, it is the humans that our survivors must run from and fight.

The zombies in this universe, named the returned, must take a drug every 36 hours to stave off infection and remain human. When this wonder drug starts running out, people go mad with panic and decide they must kill all returned to keep themselves safe before they turn.

Following a man who secretly was once a zombie, he must now survive not only people recently turning back into zombies, but also the humans out to get him. On top of that, he has to find a new dose of the cure to prevent him from becoming one himself.

That's one hell of a tough situation, and the suspense is high with all those factors playing against our hero and clashing.

Its a smart play on the zombie rulebook, but the film itself struggles to take full advantage of such a wonderful concept. It's still worth your time though if you'd like to see an intelligent take on the estalblished genre tropes.


Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.