100 Greatest Comic Book Movies Of All Time

Will Batman, the X-Men or Spider-Man win the top prize?

100 Greatest Comic Book Movies

Simple sounding questions are always the hardest to answer: why are we here? What's that smell? Why am I like this? And in this rich time of comic book movies, the question of what the best ever one is couldn't appear more simple. Everyone's got an opinion after all. Is it The Dark Knight? Is it Logan? Is it Howard The Duck (spoiler: it's not)? What's harder is saying what the top 100 comic book movies are.

So, after mobilising our combined forces to work out the 100 best ever horrors, we've come together as an ensemble once more to answer that very question. Again, expect some... unexpected choices.

A couple of disclaimers are necessary here: firstly, this is a democratically-decided ranking - final positions are based on the accumulated votes of all the writers involved. So it's everyone's responsibility/fault. And secondly, all movies here are based directly on existing comic books or comic book properties: so no matter how hard we might all wish it, Unbreakable doesn't count. If it did, it'd probably be in the top 10.

So anyway, what actually made the list? Behold, WhatCulture's ultimate list of the best of the best of comic book movies...

100. The Crow

The Crow Brandon Lee

The Crow's heavy metal, grunge narrative about a musician who's killed and brought back as a vengeful figure draped all in black to systematically take out the people who destroyed his life is undoubtedly of its time. That's a good thing though, as this odd, nightmare of a film fully cashes in on the counterculture of the '90s, and deepening the sub-genre's Gothic sensibilities established in Tim Burton's two Batman movies.

The events following the flick's release - and the unfortunate accidental death of lead actor Brandon Lee - perhaps overshadow the film's actual quality a touch, but taken as a whole The Crow is still an essential part of the comic-book movie canon.

[Josh Brown]

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