100 Greatest Comic Book Movies Of All Time

9. Men In Black

Men In Black Agent J K
Columbia Pictures

With mercifully little bearing to the comic book series it's extremely loosely based upon, 1997’s Men In Black represents the zenith of one of the all-time great era in blockbuster movie history: the reign of Will Smith.

The genius is in pairing him with Tommy Lee Jones, the po-faced straight man making a perfect foil for Smith’s larger-than-life persona to bounce off, and there are few movies on this list that can come close to matching it in terms of charisma, charm, and just how damn good a time you’ll have watching it.

The script is surprisingly smart to match though, with sharp writing and actual keen observations on the implications of an alien invasion and the treatment of outsiders, but above all, from the partnership to the action sequences, this is an absolute blast.


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