100 Greatest Movie Villains Of All Time

88. Bridget Gregory - The Last Seduction

Last Seduction Played By: Linda Fiorentino Bridget Gregory is the girl your mother always warned you about. She's the devious femme fatale, well aware that her beauty can manipulate any man for her own twisted needs. She wraps poor Mike around her little finger, only to leave him framed for rape and the murder of her husband - which she did! Linda Fiorentino is excellent in the film, balancing the evil and sexy just about right to create an unsettling woman capable of literally everything. When she has her sights set on something she is unstoppable as Mike sadly finds out.

87. T-1000 - The Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Played By: Robert Patrick The T-1000 is a technological advancement on Arnold Schwarenegger's T-800 of the first movie and with improved technology comes a developed and menacing predator to rival the bruising Arnie. The T-1000 can shape shift, morphing into anything it comes into contact with, the most terrifying example of this being when it impersonates John Connor's foster mom with telephone in one hand while its other arm has morphed into a blade that has impaled her husband. Patrick underplays the role to perfection, his robotic menace being incredibly chilling and a stark contrast to the charisma of Swarzenegger. The T-1000 is an evolutionary predator that can walk through most damage, taking out everything in its way, which is what happens for the majority of the movie.

86. Edward Rooney - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Edward Rooney Played By: Jeffrey Jones In the real world Principal Rooney would be the good guy but in the world of John Hughes high school movies, he's the oppressor trying to stop the titular hero from being free and young. Rooney is relentlessly driven by his hatred of Ferris, and is desperate to catch him truanting, so much so he stalks him but ends up mauled by the family dog. Jones plays Rooney almost psychotically capturing his intense hatred for Ferris and the determination that drives the man to capturing his enemy. All his hatred comes out during his final showdown with Ferris but it's hard not to love or laugh at the guy.
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