100 movie quotes in 10 minutes

Watch this video if you love movies.

EDIT - Damn, I've just seen that Matt beat me to this... by 5 months! Well, it's worth watching if you missed it first time. I wanted to post this video for two reasons - firstly it€™s quite an amazing technical achievement, and secondly if you€™re a movie fan (since you reading OWF you surely are!) it€™ll remind you of the magic of cinema. In a way YouTube could be the first major step in the further evolution film. The rules for what is deemed €œbroadcast quality€ are shifting and attention spans are shortening. It€™s quite fitting that a video that celebrates the beauty of classic cinema appears on the web, the medium that will ultimately play a big part in the future of movies. Enough from me, enjoy€

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Will Reynolds hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.