11 Actors Who've Performed Real-Life Rescues

3. Harrison Ford Saves Lost Hiker

After giving us Han Solo, Indiana Jones and Rick Dekard, you'd think Harrison Ford had reached his quota of incoming gratitude for the one life-time. You'd be wrong. The iconic actor has a home in Jackson, Wyoming, where his Bell 407 helicopter has been used for search & rescue missions, which save the local sheriff's department $1000 an hour in private pilot fees. Keen to avoid praise for his volunteering, Ford recently said: "It's embarrassing to be singled out and given credit because it was always a team effort". But modesty didn't manage to keep these two missions under radar. In 2000 he came to the aid of Sarah George, who was attempting to climb Table Mountain when she was overcome by the heat, altitude and dehydration. Ford, wearing a cowboy hat and accompanied by medical technicians, landed his helicopter in a nearby field then flew the hiker to hospital. A year later he was on call to help find a 13-year-old boy scout who'd got lost in Yellowstone National Park. Cody Clawson had spent a hungry night in the rain and was wearing just a t-shirt, shorts and sandals when Ford and his crew spotted him. When he reached the shivering teenager, Ford joked: "Boy, you sure must have earned a merit badge for this one". Cody told the rest of his troop he hadn't asked for an autograph because: "I got a hug and a handshake and that's better".

Steph Johnson is a freelance writer living in the north, follow her on Twitter @Johnson77Steph