11 Awesome Movies With Disturbing Messages

7. Black People Can Only Rely On Each Other - Get Out

Get Out Chris

Get Out is a terrifically entertaining and potent examination of racism in modern America, with protagonist Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) initially facing off against passive-aggressive white-liberal racism before having to literally fight for his life when the Armitages want to use his body as a vessel for an old white person.

Throughout the movie, writer-director Jordan Peele shows a heightened version of what the "black experience" can be, riddled with paranoia and fear, which eventually culminates in Chris being bailed out by his TSA pal Rod (Lil Rel Howery), also a black man, at the very end of the movie.

Considering how the film's closing scene is intentionally shot to make audiences think a white police office is about to show up and blow Chris away, the fact he's saved by a fellow black man seems to make the somewhat depressing if situationally plausible suggestion that black people can really only rely on other black people when the chips are down.

After all, as soon as the police finds the trail of bodies strewn around the Armitage household, there's no doubt that a fleet of primarily white cops are going to be chasing Chris down and trying to pin the murders on him. Rod is his only hope at an escape.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.