11 Awesome Movies With Disturbing Messages

3. Rape Is Hilarious - Revenge Of The Nerds

Revenge of the Nerds

A lot of 80s sex comedies have unfortunately aged horribly due to their problematic attitudes to sex and, well, treating women with the most basic respect.

This is perhaps no clearer than in the otherwise laugh-a-minute 1984 comedy Revenge of the Nerds, which was a solid critical and commercial hit, and endures as a cult classic over three decades later.

Half-way through the film, protagonist Lewis Skolnick (Robert Carradine) steals the Darth Vader costume belonging to a jock, Stan (Ted McGinley), and uses it to have sex with Stan's girlfriend Betty (Julie Montgomery), who is completely unaware of Lewis' ruse.

The movie plays it totally for goofball laughs and even has Betty become Lewis' wife later in the series, giving birth to their son in the fourth and final movie.

In terms of normalising what's termed rape-by-deception, it's a surprisingly toxic and harmful statement to make in a movie that's supposed to be championing a marginalised subset of society, not earmarking them as huge creeps.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.