11 Awful Opening Scenes In Otherwise Awesome Movies

1. Lifetime Movie Romance - Gone Girl

Gone Girl Sugar Storm
20th Century Fox

The Movie: David Fincher's stellar adaptation of Gillian Flynn's acclaimed novel functions as both a devilish thriller and an uproariously funny satire on contemporary marriage, bolstered by excellent performances, especially from Rosamund Pike.

The Scene: The film opens with Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) hanging out at his sister's bar talking about his anniversary, before the scene shifts to his wife Amy (Pike) writing in her diary about the first time she met Nick. This scene then plays out, a meeting at a party, where the two hit it off, get covered in sugar at the back of a bakery, and go home to have sex.

Why It Sucks: This one's a necessary evil, given the nature of the narrative. It's hard not to cringe at the cutesy dialogue between Nick and Amy at the party, and things get even worse when they reach the bakery, as Nick says, "I can't let you go through a sugar storm unkissed." It's basically the stuff of a bad Lifetime romantic drama, but of course, as the audience learns later, the narrator is an extremely unreliable one, and what's being shown in these early stages shouldn't be accepted as gospel. The scene is a lot easier to handle upon a second viewing as a result, but even with the context, it's still kinda embarrassing to watch.

Which opening scenes to great movies do you absolutely hate? Shout it out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.