11 Batman Movie Villains We Almost Got To See

10. Sun Yat Mars

The Film: Adam West€™s Batman As already noted, Adam West is responsible for the craziest ever Batman movie pitch, which shouldn€™t be at all surprising to anyone who€™s ever encountered him. Long before he was self-parodying in Family Guy, West was desperately trying to hold on to his most famous role, despite the fact that the camp €˜60s TV show had all but killed the character. In one of those grabs for relevance, West pitched another retired Batman movie featuring a brand new villain. The pitch, which appeared in a vintage Rolling Stone interview, starts well and escalates quite unbelievably:
"Bruce Wayne had basically retired to his ranch in New Mexico after having cleaned up Gotham City. Most of the main villains were in madhouses or penitentiaries. So I invented a new supervillain called Sun Yat Mars, who was so heinous he inspired to spring them on one horrible stormy night, making them his minions - Marsies. Moreover he was kidnapping college kids from all over the world, taking them to his Zombie Satellite, which was very Alien looking, and there they marched like Dacua, filing in long lines into these terrible machines that sucked their brains out."
Yeah, so maybe it€™s best we never got to see West€™s Sun Yat Mars?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.