11 Best Things The MCU Did Differently To The Comics

10. Tony Stark's Entire Character - Iron Man

Iron Man Tony Stark Drink
Marvel Studios

While the basic story of Iron Man was translated beat for beat from the page to the screen (war-mongering industrialist travels to conflict zone, is maimed by own weaponry, becomes superhero), there are a lot of differences between the Iron Man of the comics and that of the movies. Well, that used to be the case at least, as Robert Downey Jr.'s performance ended up influencing the comics Tony to such a degree that the two are now practically indistinguishable.

Yes, both versions of Tony were uniquely arrogant before their warzone encounter, but there's a compromising wit to RDJ's performance that sets - or at least used to set - them apart. That element of vulnerability was scarcely there before the film, and though storylines like Demon in a Bottle aimed to show the human side of the character, the Iron Man of the comics remained serious and - dare we say it - almost one-dimensional.

Of course it's worth noting an arc of redemption was already there with the character, one that drew real life parallels to the one Downey himself faced prior to his acting comeback, but it was his performance that truly made Iron Man the compelling figure he is today.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.