11 Biggest Sins Of Batman v Superman
We never thought they could have screwed it up THIS bad...

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was pretty much doomed from the start. Even though comic fans like me have waited for decades to see DC's two flagship heroes together on the big screen, Zack Snyder returning to direct after Man of Steel was the first red flag. Despite the excellent effects, Snyder displayed a profound misunderstanding of Superman.
It was hoped that given Snyder's devotion to all things Frank Miller that we might at least get a decent take on Batman this time out, even if Superman continued to fall short of expectations. But now that Batman v Superman is out, it's clear that not only doesn't Snyder understand Superman, but he's not too big on Batman, either.
Combine that with a ridiculous take on a classic villain and a plot that could optimistically be called incoherent and we're left with a train wreck as the start of DC's own cinematic universe.
Here are the eleven things that royally screwed this movie. And in case you haven't guessed it yet, this list will contain a ton of spoilers. So only read on if you either haven't seen the movie or just don't care about being spoiled.
11. Jimmy Olsen's Senseless Death

Did you know Jimmy Olsen was in this movie? No, it wasn't the Daily Planet intern Jenny from Man of Steel. Nor were the rumors that Scoot McNairy's character would be Jimmy at all true. Instead, Snyder recently revealed that Jimmy was the photographer/CIA undercover operative who accompanied Lois in Africa.
As Snyder told EW: “We just did it as this little aside because we had been tracking where we thought the movies were gonna go, and we don’t have room for Jimmy Olsen in our big pantheon of characters, but we can have fun with him, right?”
So basically, because Snyder couldn't foresee a use for Jimmy Olsen in the future movies, he just decided, "hey, why don't we just blow him away?" It's one thing not to use a character, but to so callously execute him for no reason other than pure shock value is a pretty crass thing to do.
Furthermore, it robs future movies of one of the key aspects of Superman's humanity. Superman's supporting cast, including Jimmy, Lois, and Perry, are one of the key tethers. To so callously discard such a classic character is a slap in the face to Superman fans.