11 Bizarre Movies That Crown David Lynch The Godfather Of WTF

8. Wild At Heart (1990)

wild at heart There was a time when Nicolas Cage long before his infamous 'Bees' incident that he was going toe-to-toe with Johnny Depp for 'oddest character choices'. Following a string of unusual roles, Cage fell into the Lynch mentality and got involved in this quasi-road/love story with Laura Dern oozing sexuality, her mother played by Diane Ladd oozing craziness and Cage's own inner Elvis. Winner of the Cannes Film Festival Best Picture in 1990, it again fell into that 'love it or hate it' category of film viewers/critics and Nic Cageophiles everywhere. Willem Dafoe and his capped teeth brings his usual menacing presence to his role as a hitman and once again, David Lynch made audiences leave the theater going "WTF?". About this time, Lynch's soundtracks and musical tastes were also becoming a large part of his overall process and tone of his movies. Lynch's schism or motif of being between two worlds plays well in the trailer as the opening moves between the metal riffs of Powermad's Slaughterhouse to Chris Isaak's moody Wicked Game, for those that were curious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCQwumNQL9E

Been there, done that but not too well. Continually financially restrained. Now (and still) lives in Western Canada and talks some hockey and parenting on ogieoglethorpe.blogspot.ca and watching trailers on 2minutemovies.blogspot.ca.