11 Distressed Movie Characters Who Couldn't Kill Themselves To End Their Pain

4. Herbie: The Love Bug

Herbie Suicide Gif Believe it or not, the beloved haunted car, which should probably have graduated into a Stephen King movie, and not an over-stuffed child's franchise decided to take its own life, but was thwarted by its own miserable physiognomy. When the Lovebug learns that his owner Jim has replaced him with a Lamborghini, and sold him to pay the installments on it, having decided he needs a "real car" for the upcoming El Dorado road race. Naturally, like the jealous little devil he is, Herbie takes exception to the very suggestion and decides to kill the Lamborghini in a dark turn of events: he smashes the car to pies, and then flees only to almost be killed by Thorndyke's goons and then wreck Chinatown. Naturally, Herbie then runs away again with the intention of throwing himself off the Golden Gate Bridge like a spurned lover, only to see his attempts foiled by his clumsy, undercarriage that stops him climbing over the edge of the bridge. Jim then arrives in the nick of time to pull the car back to safety, because apparently he has latent superhuman abilities, and to compound the little car's misery even further, he is impounded like a common criminal.

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