11 Formidable Movie Bricks You Wouldn't Want To Get On The Wrong Side Of

9. Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)

Robert "Bob" Parr, also known as Mr. Incredible, is the lead protagonist in The Incredibles movie. Born with incredible super-powers, Parr possesses very impressive super-strength. He has been shown bench-pressing locomotives and throwing large boulders, even though he is no longer at the peak of his physical condition in middle-age. He also possesses a high degree of durability and can withstand tremendous amounts of physical trauma. For example, he has easily survived multi-story falls, the direct impact of a train and being smashed through brick walls. Although he is a very nice guy, he fights evil courageously and without a second thought, so if someone gets on the wrong side of him, they could be in for a horrendous beatdown.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.