11 Huge Movies That Logan Destroyed At The Box Office

1. All These Pixar Movies

Monsters, Inc. Mike Sully
Buena Vista

Box Office: The Good Dinosaur ($332.2 million), A Bug's Life ($363.3 million), Toy Story ($373.6 million), Cars ($462.2 million), Toy Story 2 ($497.4 million), WALL-E ($533.3 million), Brave ($540.4 million), Cars 2 ($562.1 million), and Monsters, Inc. ($577.4 million).

Pixar is generally regarded as the gold standard of children's animation, and while the likes of Toy Story 3, Finding Nemo, Finding Dory, Inside Out, Monsters University and Up all surged far ahead of Logan financially, it's really quite shocking that a bloody superhero redemption tale has outgrossed more than 50% of the studio's releases to date.

Considering the particularly high appeal of Toy Story, WALL-E and Monsters, Inc., not to mention the boy-baiting qualities of Cars, Logan's success basically transcends anything that conventional, pre-Deadpool box office analysis has been telling movie studios about audience trends. And that's definitely a good thing.

Which movies are you most happy to see Logan eviscerate at the box office? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.