11 Huge Movies That Logan Destroyed At The Box Office

3. Most Of The X-Men Franchise

X-Men Apocalypse
20th Century Fox

Box Office: X-Men: First Class ($296.3 million), X-Men Origins: Wolverine ($373.1 million), X2: X-Men United ($407.7 million), The Wolverine ($414.8 million), X-Men: The Last Stand ($459.4 million), and X-Men: Apocalypse ($543.9 million).

Impressively, Logan managed to outgross all but two movies from the X-Men franchise, the holdouts being X-Men: Days of Future Past ($747.9 million) and the meteorically successful Deadpool ($783.1 million).

Considering the immense budgets, larger scopes and typically more inviting PG-13 ratings of these films, it's staggering that Logan managed to defeat all of the core X-Men movies except for one.

That's really a testament to how exhausted fans are with the mainline X-Men series right now (Apocalypse was a considerable box office let-down), and how hungry audiences are for grown-up comic book movies.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.