11 Major Cameos To Expect In Avengers: Age Of Ultron

8. Black Panther

One of the most significant new additions to the roster for Phase 3, it's only a matter of time before one of the "main roster" of MCU films introduces Black Panther before his own stand-alone. There's no concrete information behind the possible appearance of T'Challa in the Phase 2 climax, but if he doesn't appear the studio have already created something of a plot-hole for themselves, which all centres on that image of Captain America's broken shield from the first Ultron trailer. Why He'll Appear Vibranium, plain and simple: by the end of Ultron's levelling up process he has to be made of the rare metal because he's able to destroy Captain America's shield (unless Marvel have thrown an almighty tease in for Civil War and it's actually Iron Man who does it), so it's likely he's got his hands on some. And since the only known source is Wakanda, the jigsaw completes itself with Black Panther. Obviously there's also the opportunity to link further to Phase 3, which Marvel are invariably fond of.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.