11 Most Exciting Deadpool Movie Rumours

5. Colossus Will Still Have A Major Role

Deadpool Movie

Poor Daniel Cudmore simply could not catch a break: he's been around the X-Men franchise for eleven years, and as soon as he gets a sniff of a more starring role he is unceremoniously jettisoned in favour of casting a new actor.

To be fair to Cudmore, he was never particularly qualified to play a leading character. Yes, he looked the part and was as convincing in turning metal as it's ever possible to be, but his dramatic ability is probably best summed up by his next project, WWE Films' Lockdown with Dean Ambrose.

His departure doesn't necessarily mean anything for the original script though: according to that, Colossus is set to play a key role in defining Deadpool's cynicism over the idealistic, naive face of the X-Men. And that section in which they clash was a particular highlight of the script, so hopefully it will remain.


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