11 Most Intense Performances In Comic Book Movies

5. Jensen Ackles - Jason Todd (Batman: Under The Red Hood)

Red Hood Jason Todd Batman Under The Red Hood
Warner Bros. Animation

Jensen Ackles might be known for his role on the somehow still running Supernatural, but it's for his part on Under the Red Hood that the actor truly showed his talents.

An entry in DC's long line of Animated Original Movies, Batman: Under the Red Hood was an adaptation of a fairly unremarkable comic book tale that chronicled the return of Batman's second Robin, Jason Todd (who'd been killed by the Joker decades earlier), as the titular Red Hood - a violent vigilante who doesn't take issue with firearms or killing.

Something about the tale lent itself well to an animated format however, and in casting the film, Andrea Romano did amazing work. Bruce Greenwood came in as Batman, Neil Patrick Harris played Dick Grayson, and Ackles himself portrayed the Red Hood in question. It's a role he convincingly inhabited over the course of the film's 90 minute duration, and it's to his credit that all of its best bits involve his character in some way or another.

More important, however, is how Ackles manages to turn a once irritating comic book trope (resurrecting deceased characters), and convince the audience of its traumatic implications. You really feel for Jason throughout the film, nowhere more potently than in its climactic finale, which brings him, Batman and Joker together for one last showdown.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.