11 Movie Cliches You Couldn't Live Without

2. Walking Away From Explosions

X Men Origins Wolverine Explosion

The Cliche: Nothing fancy or sophisticated here: the bada** action hero causes an explosion and casually walks away from it without looking back, because looking back is for p***ies. Occurs in a ton of movies, memorably X-Men Origins: Wolverine, No Country for Old Men and Man on Fire. Of course, it's all !*$% and pretends shockwaves aren't a thing.

Why It's Awesome: It's impossible for even the most placid of characters not to look ridiculously cool if they're confidently strolling away from a hail of fire behind them, especially if it's just killed a few bad guys for good measure.

Most serious action movies are at least smart enough not to use it, so it's typically employed in more tongue-in-cheek movies that are in on the joke. Even so, it's always amusing to observe for one reason or another.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.