11 Movie Mistakes Only Smug Nerds Would Ever Notice

8. Braveheart's Warriors: Fashion Trend-Setters

braveheart mel gibson
20th Century Fox

Braveheart is another historical movie that was liberal with the truth to say the least, but since it was all done in the spirit of entertainment, it pretty much gets a pass for the bits where the villain was turned from reasonably esteemed monarch to pantomime douche-bag, and the battles were made more engaging for the blood-thirsty audience members. But there's one detail that fans of history and Scottish outfits cannot ignore, and it concerns the iconic outfits worn by William Wallace and his rebellious brethren. And it's nothing to do with the sunglasses and watches that were supposedly all-too visible in the earliest versions of the battle scenes that were ultimately reshot, after eagle-eyed continuity errors spotted the offending articles.

The big problem for Scotland lovers is that kilts weren't introduced in Scotland until some 400 years after the events of the film, making Wallace and his clan of fighters the greatest example of fashion trend-setters since a zany girl two years ago scraped her hair back into an awful bun, slapped on a pair of dungaree shorts and stuck her tongue out for every camera available. Incidentally, the film's decision to portray Wallace's supposed tryst with Isabella of France somewhat calamitously ignores the fact that she was 9-years-old when Wallace was executed.


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