11 Movie Sequels That Turned Badasses Into Total Wimps
5. Han Solo - Return Of The Jedi
He should have died. Harrison Ford knew it - or at least wanted it to happen because he didn't want to make any more Star Wars movies - and in hindsight, fans should also have recognised it, because the lack of a truly devastating hero death meant that the franchise never stated the threat of the Empire enough.
The result of Ford's lack of commitment meant that Solo is almost unrecognisable from the character who completely stole A New Hope from under the "real" stars. He was once a picture of swaggering bravado in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, but now, thanks to his romantic entanglement with Leia, he was no more than a slightly dishevelled romantic fool. Everything that had made him cool was gone - perhaps as punishment for Ford's attempt to leave the character behind - and Solo has to play second fiddle to Luke's rising hero, which isn't lost in the story, as the once cocky pilot is reduced to jealousy.
He was once the saviour of the Saviour of the galaxy - the chosen one's protector - but by the third film, he was just a hindrance, needing rescuing more than once himself, and mooning way too much over Leia.