11 Movie Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (March 29th)

Batman V Superman's jaw-dropping deleted scene...

With Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice finally hitting screens, it's been a huge week for cinema, one that's seen not only seen the movie released after what feels like an eternity, but also offered up a ton of spoilerific details drop regarding the DC Extended Universe as a whole. That's not all, though: while Marvel has been fairly quiet as of late, some curious casting choices also dominated the week in news, as well as what we should expect from some of the most anticipated blockbuster sequels due over the next few years. And as a word of warning: if you're one of like three people who hasn't seen Batman V Superman yet, you might want to steer clear. For everyone else, here are 11 movie spoilers we didn't know last week...

11. Paul McCartney Is In Pirates Of The Caribbean 5

Yes, this isn't the first time that the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise has invited a legendary rocker to join its ranks (Keith Richards joined part three to play Jack Sparrow's father), but did anyone ever expect a freaking Beatle to end up in next year's mega-budgeted fifth film in the franchise? There are no details yet on who McCarney might be playing, but an additional action sequence is reportedly being shot in order to add him into the movie. Luckily, with over a year to go until the movie hits screens, Disney have plenty of time to tinker around and add scenes should they so wish. We're not massively optimistic about the film as a whole, but seeing McCartney on-screen in a (probably) ridiculous costume should be a lot of fun.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.