11 Movies Which Got Geography Completely Wrong

10. Godzilla (2014)... Again

The second (female) MUTO has torn its way out of the storage facility at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. It then rampages Las Vegas before heading to San Francisco to meet up with its mate. Las Vegas is about 92 miles southwest of Yucca Mountain. The commando looks thorough his binoculars and sees the MUTO heading for the Las Vegas Strip. Those are some pretty damn good binoculars, as they can not only see objects clearly from that far away, but also through solid mountain ranges.
The MUTO is responding to the call of its mate, who is flying up from Hawaii at the moment. The Navy, tracking both the male MUTO and Godzilla, have determined that they are heading for San Francisco. So why does the female MUTO go in the wrong direction? Las Vegas has no nuclear power plants; it gets all of its electrical baseload from the nearby Hoover Dam. There€™s plenty of nuclear fuel stored in the Yucca Mountain repository; it could get a meal there. The reason is, of course, is the tell-tale shot of the gamblers busy working away at the slot machines, oblivious to the threat on the casino TV screens until it rips the roof off the casino. Oh, and that shot above means the MUTO went to the south end of the Strip, then ploughed north on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mr. Thomas is primarily a graphic artist for the San Antonio Express-News, but also finds time to write the DVD Extra blog for the paper’s website.