3. Is Ultron Doing A Loki?
"I'm going to tear you apart," utters Ultron as he unleashes his new powers on (presumably) Iron Man. Is he making a statement of intent against his creator? Or is he talking in more generalised terms, revealing a plot to bring down the emergent superhero team. A supervillain trying to tear the Avengers apart is something that was already done in the first film, comprising much of the second act, so going through the same motions isn't an initially exciting prospect; the MCU already repeats enough elements as it is. However, there's one thing that makes this a bit more interesting - this time around, it'll work. The fallout from this film looks set to be a central motivation for Captain America: Civil War, which sees Tony Stark and Steve Rogers on opposite sides of the Superhero Registration Act, the full embodiment of the team disbanded (until a Mad Titan tries to wipe out half of the universe, that is).
Alex Leadbeater
Film Editor (2014-2016).
Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle.
Once met the Chuckle Brothers.
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