11 Questions From The New Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer

1. Red Hulk?

In the penultimate shot of the trailer, an enraged Hulk turns to the camera, revealing a slightly different look to the hero - his eyes are going red. It could just be fatigue from being bashed in the face over and over, but given that his irises have also changed from their iconic green, there seems to be something more significant going on. The reason that first jumps to mind is is that Age Of Ultron will see the introduction of Red Hulk, which would be a defining cinematic moment, if something that messes with comic continuity almost as much as the Mandarin - in the books it's General Ross who becomes the red beast. However, tying it more into the film's set up world, there's a couple of explanations that suggest bigger impacts to the MCU. Given that the trailer's already seen some of what appears to be Scarlett Witch's reality warping, it's conceivable this is another thing happening under her influence, suggesting she's (potentially working with Ultron) making the Avengers fight. Or, thinking in broader terms, could this just be a visual representation of Banner's increasing lack of control, motivating Tony Stark to try and find some way to control the ever-escalating superhero powers? What did you think of the new Avengers: Age Of Ultron trailer? What questions did you have after seeing it? Share them in the comments below.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.