11 Real Star Wars Locations You Must Visit

10. Tikal National Park (Guatemala)

star wars yavin
In real life the habitable moon of Yavin 4 seen in A New Hope is something truly spectacular.

Amongst 575 square kilometres of jungle rainforest is the ruined Guatemalan city of Tikal which more than capably doubles up as the rebel base.

Built around 400BC (before Chewie) Tikal it played an important part in Mayan history and became the focal point for cultural activity. As far back as 1958 archeologists discovered the tomb of "Lord Chocolate", one of Tikal's most well-loved leaders, in Temple I. Great nickname.

Nobody knows what happened to the Maya society (hopefully the Sith weren't involved) but plenty of the temples still poke their heads out from above the greenery including Temple IV which, in Episode IV, made the perfect look-out for rebel guards as Princess Leia and Co. prepare to launch their attack on the Death Star.

Spectacular sunrises await if you can get to South America in time. Book your plane now.


Two years after Star Wars hit cinemas in 1977 UNESCO declared the Tikal National Park to be a World Heritage Site. It's not the first protected location to feature in a Star Wars film either.


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