11 Reasons You're Wrong About Solo: A Star Wars Story

7. Paul Bettany Is One Of The Better Star Wars Villains

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Unfortunate though it may be that the talented Michael K. Williams was removed from Solo due to being unavailable for the film's reshoots, replacements don't get much better than Paul Bettany, who plays the part of Dryden Vos with appropriate volatility and nonchalance.

Vos, despite meeting the criteria for the film's big bad, is just another fish in the vast, vast sea that makes up the Galactic Empire. Even he answers to someone else, but while he's just another cog in Crimson Dawn's machine, the character still manages to impart a lasting impression.

Visually, Vos is easily one of the better looking Star Wars bad guys. Costume designers Glyn Dillon and David Crossman deserve credit there (as they do for every character's garbs in the film), painting a picture of a criminal who revels in excess and violence. Bettany himself also manages to convey Vos' explosiveness wonderfully, balancing the character's inherent charisma and charm with the disturbing nonchalance with which he approaches violence.

He might not be the most bombastic bad guy going, but he's a more than competent adversary for Chewie and Han.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.