11 Shameless Movies That Were Just Rip Offs Of Classic Films

8. Zathura = Jumanji

Jum A board game comes to life and ensnares it€™s players in a deadly adventure in a film that children of the time loved and everyone else is ambivalent to. But which film am I talking about? Zathura or Jumanji? In fact I'm talking about both. Now technically both films are based on separate books by the same author, making the similarities somewhat justified. But when Zathura director Jon Favreau disregarded the Robin Williams movie he opened his film up for a lot of similarities. In fact, if you didn't know the similar genesis, you€™d be forgiven for thinking this was a straight up naughties reboot, with space and child leads forced in for demographics. The book is more a definite spin-off/sequel to Jumanji, with numerous references that expand upon the world the stories are set in. In avoiding that the lines become blurred and it€™s hard to create a fresh product. Jumanji is less of classic than others on this list, remembered as part of the internet's rose tinted view on the nineties, but in ignoring the film Zathura skirted too close to it.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.