11 Shameless Movies That Were Just Rip Offs Of Classic Films

3. Iron Man 3 = The Incredibles

Inc When Iron Man 3 hit cinemas a couple of months ago many of it€™s plot points were dissected incessantly. Along with some dumb plot decisions just about everyone in the Internet has passed judgement on the Mandarin twist, but there€™s one element of that reveal that hasn't received as much coverage as you€™d expect. The reveal that Killian, a person the hero disregarded many years has come back with a major world domination scheme that involves revenge against the hero is a direct parallel to the one in The Incredibles. If you think of Tony as Mr. Incredible, The Mandarin as the Omnidroid, Killian as Syndrome, Rhodey as Frozone, the suits as the family in super mode and Pepper as the Parr€™s the major beats are damned near identical (the moving on ending aside). This is most prominent in the film€™s middle act, but between Tony€™s anxiety and the final team up it€™s hard not to see the likenesses. Of course, this is subtle enough to be pure accident; The Incredibles took a lot of inspiration from comic books, particularly Watchmen, which revolutionised the medium, including Iron Man.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.